December, 2012 |
BILAT-USA and Link2US are over! Read about the BILAT-USA project achievements! |
6 Dec. 2012 |
October, 2012 |
Boosting EU-U.S. Cooperation in Energy Research: Opportunities and Prospects A Joint EU-U.S. workshop |
23 Oct. 2012 |
U.S.-EU Research Cooperation Stakeholders Roundtable generates Summary for Policy Makers |
22 Oct. 2012 |
Fifth FP7 Monitoring Report published |
9 Oct. 2012 |
USA and its collaboration with the European Commission’s in-house science service, Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
9 Oct. 2012 |
European Commission´s new strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation |
2 Oct. 2012 |
ERA-CAPS joint research calls funding tools designed to support collaborative transnational research in the field of plant sciences |
2 Oct. 2012 |
European Participation in U.S. Federal Science & Technology Research Funding Programs: Case Study of Department of Energy-Funded Researchers |
9 Oct. 2012 |
September, 2012 |
First to Invent Proposed Rule by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office |
21 Sep. 2012 |
National Science Foundation released Blue Ribbon Panel on U.S. Antarctic Program |
21 Sep. 2012 |
Department of Energy High-Performance Computing Supported by Bipartisan Legislation |
21 Sep. 2012 |
National Institutes of Health Creates New Office, Research Program |
21 Sep. 2012 |
NIH Research Grant Applications Increased FY1998 to FY2011 |
21 Sep. 2012 |
NRC Released Second Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics |
21 Sep. 2012 |
NIH Grant Applications Over $1 Million to Undergo Additional Screening |
21 Sep. 2012 |
July, 2012 |
A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth |
23 Jul. 2012 |
Open access to research results shall boost Europe's innovation capacity |
23 Jul. 2012 |
Dr. Lubchenco's trip to Brussels last May stregthens ties with EU |
23 Jul. 2012 |
U.S., EU and China meeting on non-food Consumer Product Safety – a common objective |
23 Jul. 2012 |
Report Questions Future of U.S. Leadership in Biomedical Research. |
23 Jul. 2012 |
International S&T Act Introduced |
23 Jul. 2012 |
National Institutes of Health Common Fund Announces Two New Programs |
23 Jul. 2012 |
Read the analysis from Jeffrey Mervis on "Senate Bills Would Make Room for More STEM Graduates” |
20 Jul. 2012 |
Cultivating Global Science, editorial by Subra Suresh, director of the National Science Foundation, in Science Magazine |
20 Jul. 2012 |
That was ESOF2012! New Agreement signed between ERC and NSF! BILAT-USA and Link2US were there! |
17 Jul. 2012 |
Boost your research career! Come to Europe! |
11 Jul. 2012 |
June, 2012 |
BILAT-USA @ NanoSafety Cluster meeting |
14 Jun. 2012 |
The Relationship between the European Research Area and Horizon 2020 |
14 Jun. 2012 |
Joint NSF-FWF call “International Collaboration in Chemistry between U.S. Investigators and their Counterparts in Austria” (ICC) 2012-2013 |
12 Jun. 2012 |
ISSNAF Young Investigators Award and Paola Campese Award for Research on Leukemias for Italian Researchers |
8 Jun. 2012 |
Next FP7 Calls targeting Research Cooperation between EU and U.S. |
7 Jun. 2012 |
Online IT Degree: 50 Years of Information Technology |
5 Jun. 2012 |
Online MBA Programs |
5 Jun. 2012 |
Release of updated Link2US funding catalogue |
4 Jun. 2012 |
May, 2012 |
BILAT-USA @ NORDP 2012 Annual Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia |
31 May. 2012 |
New ERA of transatlantic research collaborations |
31 May. 2012 |
Senate Bills Would Ease Foreign Researchers Remaining in U.S. |
31 May. 2012 |
First Orientaton Papers 2013 to the Work Programmes of the last FP7 Calls published |
7 May. 2012 |
April, 2012 |
Fogarty Fellowship – Call for Applications open |
26 Apr. 2012 |
Navigating the Interface between Legal Requirements and Scientific Methodology, by James J. Casey, Jr., J.D. |
25 Apr. 2012 |
Social Media, Petitions, and R&D Budgets, examples of the U.S. and Spain |
10 Apr. 2012 |
Federal Government Issues New Dual-Use Policy |
10 Apr. 2012 |
High Success Rate for Projects involving U.S. Partners in the Health thematic area |
4 Apr. 2012 |
Publication on International Cooperation in EU funded Health research: Around the world in 36 projects |
4 Apr. 2012 |
FP7 Health Orientation paper to the FP7 2013 Work Programme published! |
4 Apr. 2012 |
7 reasons for U.S. researchers to participate in the last FP7 Calls |
3 Apr. 2012 |
CABI (Centre for Agricultural Bioscience) agree with USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to feed more knowledge to Plantwise Initiative |
2 Apr. 2012 |
Report on Long Term Impact of the Framework Programme published |
2 Apr. 2012 |
March, 2012 |
M-ERA.NET kicked off: From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe |
20 Mar. 2012 |
New report on the state of the art of the strategic energy technologies |
9 Mar. 2012 |
Innovation ministers discuss ins and outs of Horizon 2020 |
9 Mar. 2012 |
COST to receive additional EUR 10 million from European Commission |
9 Mar. 2012 |
Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 |
1 Mar. 2012 |
February, 2012 |
BILAT-USA @ ACCESS4EU Meeting on Lessons Learned & Best Practices |
22 Feb. 2012 |
January, 2012 |
BILAT-USA and Link2US publish article in NCURA Magazine |
24 Jan. 2012 |
USA: Universities Commit to Initiatives that Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
11 Jan. 2012 |
BILAT–USA Analysis of Existing Instruments, Regulations and Obstacles for U.S participation in the 7th Framework Programme |
11 Jan. 2012 |
Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (CIG) |
9 Jan. 2012 |
Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium: 2012 Fellowship in Translational Biomedical Imaging |
4 Jan. 2012 |
December, 2011 |
EC Opinion on the independent expert evaluation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
22 Dec. 2011 |
EC Report on the State of the Innovation Union 2011 |
22 Dec. 2011 |
European Commission Confirms First Chief Science Adviser, Scottish microbiologist Anne Glover |
22 Dec. 2011 |
NSF Programmes open for submission |
1 Dec. 2011 |
Transatlantic Economic Council Joint Statement |
1 Dec. 2011 |
EU-U.S. Energy Council Joint Statement |
1 Dec. 2011 |
Horizon 2020: Commission proposes €80 billion investment in research and innovation, to boost growth and jobs |
1 Dec. 2011 |
November, 2011 |
NASA’s Webb Telescope’s Funding Preserved |
30 Nov. 2011 |
EU-US Summit Focuses on Jobs and Growth |
30 Nov. 2011 |
BILAT-USA @ Final conference of EU-U.S. Pilot projects on "Transatlantic methods for handling global challenges" |
15 Nov. 2011 |
BILAT-USA @ SFIC Workshop "From common challenges to joint responses - adding a new dimension to EU/MS cooperation with the USA in science, technology and innovation" |
15 Nov. 2011 |
Special announcement for initiating collaborations between U.S. and EU scientists |
3 Nov. 2011 |
October, 2011 |
New measures by the U.S. towards foreign graduates and entrepreneurs |
31 Oct. 2011 |
Global Funding of Nanotechnologies – 2011 |
24 Oct. 2011 |
September, 2011 |
New Survey on transatlantic relationship |
29 Sep. 2011 |
Patent Reform Bill Now a Law |
27 Sep. 2011 |
Scientific Integrity Policies for National Science Foundation (NSF), the Environmental Protection Agency and others |
28 Sep. 2011 |
New National Institute of Health (NIH) Intramural Center for Regenerative Medicine created |
28 Sep. 2011 |
New Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at National aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) |
28 Sep. 2011 |
NSF Europe Office now headed by Dr. Carmen Huber |
28 Sep. 2011 |
NSF pulls out from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and goes alone after 2013 |
28 Sep. 2011 |
Changes at NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) Proposal Submission Process |
28 Sep. 2011 |
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Releases a draft five-year Plan for Rare Diseases. |
28 Sep. 2011 |
BILAT-USA and Link2US support EURO-BASIN in its efforts to promote transatlantic collaboration in Ocean Sciences |
22 Sep. 2011 |
Four ideas to get the U.S. and EU working together on healthcare |
22 Sep. 2011 |
Group on Earth Observations (GEO) draft Work Plan 2012-2015 submitted for official review |
19 Sep. 2011 |
International Collaboration in Chemistry between U.S. Investigators and their Counterparts Abroad (ICC) |
15 Sep. 2011 |
International Research in Homeland Security Science & Technology Mission Areas DHS-11-ST-108-002 |
13 Sep. 2011 |
NASA research announcement- ROSES 2011: Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences |
13 Sep. 2011 |
August, 2011 |
U.S. Government Research and Development Budget - Summary of past events |
31 Aug. 2011 |
Announcement of Grant Competition: EU-U.S. Policy Research and Debate 2012-2013 |
24 Aug. 2011 |
Benchmarking EU & U.S. Innovation and Competitiveness |
24 Aug. 2011 |
Transatlantic research funding programmes on cardiovascular and neurovascular field |
17 Aug. 2011 |
Registrations are now open for the Technology Transfer Management Training Workshop! |
16 Aug. 2011 |
June, 2011 |
Issues in EU Participation in U.S. Federal Science & Technology Research Funding Programmes |
30 Jun. 2011 |
NSF Releases Strategic Plan for FY2011-2016 |
17 Jun. 2011 |
DOE 2011 Strategic Plan Released |
17 Jun. 2011 |
U.S. HHS holds 2nd Annual Health Data Initiative Forum |
17 Jun. 2011 |
NIH Success Rate Likely to Reach Historic Low |
17 Jun. 2011 |
“NIH and EC Funding” Information Day Highlights Joint Funding Opportunities for U.S. and EU Researchers |
17 Jun. 2011 |
Opportunities for Health Research in Third Countries |
17 Jun. 2011 |
ACCESS4EU Information Day Held on ICT Proposers’ Day |
17 Jun. 2011 |
FP7 Calls 2012 to be opened in July 2011 |
9 Jun. 2011 |
First periodic report submitted by Link2US |
7 Jun. 2011 |
May, 2011 |
EU-US ERC funded team reveal how the cells inside us like to dance |
24 May. 2011 |
LINK2US Project To Participate in FP7 Health Research Open Information Day |
23 May. 2011 |
German and American scientists sequence tropical marine organism genome |
11 May. 2011 |
US Nobel laureate Prof. J. Heckman awarded ERC grant |
11 May. 2011 |
Ground breaking agreement on civil aviation safety between the EU and the US enters into force |
3 May. 2011 |
April, 2011 |
EU Embassies' Open House Day, May 7, 10 am - 4 pm, in DC |
19 Apr. 2011 |
Cyber security: EU and US Strengthen Transatlantic Cooperation |
19 Apr. 2011 |
April, 2012 |
National Institute of Health’s Genetic Test Registry Goes Live |
10 Apr. 2012 |
Complaint Filed Against China for Rare Earth Minerals Export Restrictions |
10 Apr. 2012 |
U.S. Total R&D Spending Dropped in 2009 |
10 Apr. 2012 |
PCAST to Issue Nanotechnology R&D Report |
10 Apr. 2012 |
New Behavioral and Social Science Research Methods Website, “e-Source”, created by NIH |
10 Apr. 2012 |
International Patent Filings Set New Record |
10 Apr. 2012 |
National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration Seeks Comments on Environmental Information Policy |
10 Apr. 2012 |
IOM Report Outlines Links from Omics Research to Practice |
10 Apr. 2012 |
April, 2011 |
EU Climate Action Commissioner visits US , April 4-8 |
7 Apr. 2011 |
JRC at the US-EU Joint workshop "Bridging nanoEHS research efforts" |
1 Apr. 2011 |
March, 2011 |
Fellowship Programs to Support Innovative Research in Clean Energy |
17 Mar. 2011 |
Opportunities for Health research in Third Countries |
16 Mar. 2011 |
Workshop on Issues in EU Participation in U.S. Federal S&T Research Funding Programmes |
16 Mar. 2011 |
Link2US Project Releases New Report Identifying Key Issues to Participation in NIH Funding Programmes |
9 Mar. 2011 |
EU-U.S. Cooperation on civil aviation research and development |
1 Mar. 2011 |
February, 2011 |
Last Call for 2012 EU Visitors Program Applications |
16 Feb. 2011 |
USPTO and EPO reach agreement on principles of Cooperative Patent Classification system |
14 Feb. 2011 |
January, 2011 |
Call for Proposals: EU-US Atlantis Program |
11 Jan. 2011 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute to Launch Labs of New Investigators Abroad |
12 Jan. 2011 |
December, 2010 |
NIH Releases Changes to Grant Rules for 2011 |
23 Dec. 2010 |
America COMPETES Act Passes Congress |
23 Dec. 2010 |
PCAST Releases New Report on Energy Policy |
3 Dec. 2010 |
NIH Director Favors Merger of Institutes |
3 Dec. 2010 |
PTO Extends Expedited Patenting for GHG Reduction Technologies |
3 Dec. 2010 |
Chances for Passage of COMPETES Wane |
3 Dec. 2010 |
New Report Suggests that the U.S. is not Keeping Pace |
3 Dec. 2010 |
International Early Career Scientist Program of the Howard Hughes Medical Insitute |
2 Dec. 2010 |
November, 2010 |
EU and U.S. agree on global `Small Shared Satellites` project |
15 Nov. 2010 |
October, 2010 |
Link2US Project Release New Report: Participation Statistics of EU-based Researchers in U.S. National Programmes |
28 Oct. 2010 |
September, 2010 |
New Transatlantic Education Partnerships |
15 Sep. 2010 |
July, 2010 |
June Newsletter Now Available |
1 Jul. 2010 |
June, 2010 |
Link2US Project Participates in ACCESS4EU Website |
16 Jun. 2010 |
16 Jun. 2010 |
April, 2010 |
1st Newsletter is Available |
28 Apr. 2010 |
June, 2010 |
Release of Funding Catalogue |
16 Jun. 2010 |