LINK2US Project To Participate in FP7 Health Research Open Information Day
May 23, 2011
On 9 June 2011, in Brussels, the European Commission’s (EC) Research and Innovation DG - Directorate Health is organizing an Open Information Day on health research within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The event aims to highlight the novelties in the planning of the 2012 Work Programme due to be published in July. As a satellite event, 7 Access4EU projects have organized a joint info-session to provide an overview of the opportunities in health research that exist outside Europe. This event seeks to inform participants about third country funding mechanisms that are accessible for European researchers doing health research in Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Programme owners from each Country will present the opportunities under their international RTD programmes and there will be time for networking during a Cocktail offered afterwards. The LINK2US project will participate at this event and U.S. opportunities will be presented by Dr. David Bruce Conn (Office of International Health and Biodefense (OES/IHB), U.S. Department of State).
More information and registration: