European Participation in U.S. Federal Science & Technology Research Funding Programs: Case Study of Department of Energy-Funded Researchers
Oct 9, 2012
The European Participation in U.S. Federal Science & Technology Research Funding Programs: Case Study of Department of Energy-Funded Researchers presents the results of interviews conducted during the summer of 2012 with five EU-based researchers who have received direct DOE awards. This report seeks to present more detailed perspectives of individual European experiences with DOE funding with the goal of providing funding policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic, including but not limited to DOE and the European Commission, with insight to help improve their processes and policies with regards to foreign researchers and fostering international cooperation.
The five researchers interviewed received awards from one of three programs of the Office of Science: DOE Low Dose Radiation Research Program[1], which has a goal to provide compelling experimental studies that can be used to guide accurate regulatory standards for exposure to low dose radiation; DOE Biological and Environmental Research Program,[2] specifically Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, which focuses on advancing a robust predictive understanding of Earth's climate and environmental systems and to inform the development of sustainable solutions to U.S. energy and environmental challenges; and the DOE Advance Computing Scientific Research[3] program, which seeks to discover, develop, and deploy computational and networking capabilities to analyze, model, simulate, and predict complex phenomena.
[1] DOE Low Dose Radiation Research Program - accessed September 2012
[2] DOE Biological and Environmental Research program - accessed September 2012
[3] DOE Advance Computing Scientific Research program - accessed September 2012
Case Study of Department of Energy-Funded Researchers.pdf