Group on Earth Observations (GEO) draft Work Plan 2012-2015 submitted for official review
Sep 19, 2011
The GEO draft Work Plan has been designed to fully address the 2015 Strategic Targets, i.e. establish an operational and sustainable GEO System of Systems (GEOSS); reinforce coordination, user engagement and resource mobilization; and provide information products and end-to-end services tailored to serve society’s needs. Based on the outcome of the official review, and the recommendations made by the Executive Committee in July 2011, the Secretariat will prepare Version 2 of the 2012-2015 Work Plan, to be issued in October2011 with other plenary documents and submitted to the GEO-VIII Plenary in November 2011 for “acceptance as a living document”.
The Work Plan is target driven, consisting of three parts
Part 1 “Infrastructure” features the physical cross-cutting components of an operational and sustainable GEOSS, including interoperable observing, modelling and dissemination systems
Part 2 “Institutions and Development” describes “GEO at work” and the community’s efforts to ensure that GEOSS is sustainable, relevant and widely used; it focuses on reinforcing data sharing, resource mobilization, capacity development, user engagement and science and technology integration.
Part 3 “Information for Societal Benefits” focuses on the information, tools and end-to-end systems that should be available through GEOSS to support decision-making.
Details can be found in the following GEO draft Work Plan 2012-2015!
12_GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan Version 1.pdf