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 EU-U.S. collaboration within FP7

  • The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
  • U.S. participation and funding under FP7
  • Health research under FP7
  • FP7 2013 Calls open specifically for U.S. Participation
  • FP7 Help Desk


  • The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

'Framework Programmes' (FPs) have been the main financial tools through which the European Union supports research activities covering almost all scientific disciplines. The current FP7 will expire in 2013. It is designed to build on the achievements of its predecessor towards the creation of the European Research Area, and carry it further towards the development of the knowledge economy and society in Europe.

Read "7 reasons for U.S. researchers to participate in the last FP7 Calls".

For detailed information go to:

  1. Understanding FP7:
    CORDIS - The gateway to European research and development
  2. What is FP7:
    CORDIS - The gateway to European research and development
  3. A FP7 Guide for U.S. users:
    FP7 U.S. Guide
  4. On 10 July 2012 most of the final FP7 calls for proposals were published, with some further specific calls to follow in the autumn. The FP7 Research Participants Portal shows all latest calls and necessary information documents. 


  • U.S. participation and funding under FP7

Participation is open to organisations and legal entities established in Third countries: Any company, university, research centre, organisation or individual, legally established in any country, can participate in a collaborative project provided that the minimum conditions laid down in the ‘FP7 Rules for Participation’ have been met, as well as any additional conditions laid down by the FP7 Specific Programmes (Cooperation, Ideas, People, Capacities) or individual FP7 Work Programmes.

Information about FP7 participation and funding conditions for so called Third countries (non-EU Member States or FP7 Associated Countries) such as the U.S. (High-income country) can be found here:

Funding for research organisations and researchers from High-income countries, such as the U.S., is possible under the following conditions:

  1. Provision is made to that effect in the specific programmes or in the relevant work programme,
  2. Contribution is essential for carrying out the research project and,
  3. Funding is provided for in a bilateral scientific and technological agreement* or any other arrangement between the Community and the country in which the legal entity is established.

* The European Community has concluded bi-lateral S&T agreements with a number of individual countries. These agreements constitute a framework and a privileged forum to identify common interests, priorities, policy dialogue, and the necessary tools for S&T collaboration.

The table of S&T agreements is available here:


  • Health research under FP7

The objective of health research under FP7 is to improve the health of European citizens and boost the competitiveness of health-related industries and businesses, as well as address global health issues.

-NIH-EC agreement of reciprocity for collaborative projects

In 2008 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the European Commission agreed on funding reciprocity for collaborative projects. A bilateral working group was established in order to look at the policy language for both the NIH and the EU with the hope of reducing further impediments to collaboration.

-U.S. FP7 participation in Health research

According to the European Commission (INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH UPDATE, April 2012, Issue 23) collaborative consortia with participants from the U.S. are the most successful in the Health thematic area. With a success rate of almost 30%, more than double the average for proposals without partners from the U.S., S&T collaboration with U.S. institutions is said to be a possible quality stamp for FP7 proposals.

An overview of latest EU-funded international health research projects can be found here.


  • FP7 2013 Calls open specifically for U.S. Participation

Based on the participation rules, organisations from third countries can participate in FP7 open calls for proposals.

Nevertheless, in some cases, for example under the thematic areas or under the International Cooperation programme, there can be calls specifically targeting third countries, e.g., the U.S. The European Commission published a presentation on the opportunities for U.S. partners in the FP7 calls (2013 Work Programmes), targeting U.S. partners.

The Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commision organised on 11 July 2012 an Information Meeting about the new calls for proposals under the 2013 Work Programme of the Activities of International Cooperation (INCO). Read all relevant documents presented at the FP7 2013 Work Programme Info-Day.

Find  all topics (filtered by research themes and prepared by BILAT-USA) in the FP7 2013 Work Programmes addressing (in-)directly U.S. partners here.


  • FP7 Help Desk

The FP7 Help Desk has been formed for providing:

  1. Technical guidance for U.S. researchers who are willing to participate in Framework Programme or are already involved in FP7 projects;
  2. Support of European researchers who are willing to cooperate with U.S. researchers within the Framework Programme;
  3. Information to stakeholders who can contribute and benefit from this cooperation.

Please contact us for your questions & comments:



BILAT-USA (Grant Agreement no: 244434) and Link2US (Grant Agreement no: 244371) Projects are co-funded by the European Union’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Cooperation.