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Workshop on metrics and methodologies for autonomous robot teams in logistics

Sep 30, 2011

San Francisco, US

A workshop on metrics and methodologies for autonomous robot teams in logistics will take place on 30 September 2011 in San Francisco, US.

Recent trends in logistics and manufacturing indicate an increasing demand for system flexibility, modularity, and re-configurability. In the past, plant installations were used for decades without change. Nowadays, product life cycles and the demand for product variety rely on innovative technologies that allow to automation processes to be reconfigured without reducing their availability.

As a result, distributed and self-organised systems, such as teams of robots which autonomously organize transportation tasks, are playing an increasingly important role in logistics centres and manufacturing plants.

For distributed and self-organised systems, it is very important to be able to map the operational environment. Enabling technologies for mapping, navigation, planning, and task allocation in large heterogeneous robot teams also have to guarantee safety, robustness, and reliability.

The workshop will be a forum for discussing technology solutions for industrial environments and their performance metrics to satisfy industrial standards. The event will be an opportunity for researchers from different disciplines, industry experts, vendors and end-users to share and discuss experiences and ideas.

BILAT-USA (Grant Agreement no: 244434) and Link2US (Grant Agreement no: 244371) Projects are co-funded by the European Union’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Cooperation.