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Shaping the Mobility of the Future: US and EU perspectives

Mar 17, 2011


A high-level policy event in Brussels on the 17th of March with Dr. Sven Beiker (Stanford University, a leading figure in automotive research in Silicon Valley), Philippe Lambert, MEP (European Parliament) and Dr. Reinhard Büscher of the European Commission, among others.

Date: the 17th of March 2011 (15:00 - 18:00)

Location: Bibliothèque Solvay (Leopoldpark, 137 rue Belliard B-1040, Brussels)

(Source: Europe INNOVA)

Note that the deadline for registration has been postponed until March 14th.

Shaping the Mobility of the Future event.pdf

BILAT-USA (Grant Agreement no: 244434) and Link2US (Grant Agreement no: 244371) Projects are co-funded by the European Union’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Cooperation.