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51 new FP7 calls for proposals launched

Jul 26, 2010

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research has published a series of calls for proposals under the 'Cooperation', 'Capacities', 'People' and 'Ideas' Programmes of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The calls come under a wide variety of themes and topics, including:
- health,
- food, agriculture and fisheries,
- 'Future Internet',
- 'the ocean of tomorrow',
- ERA-Net,
- information and communication technologies (ICT),
- automotive-related topics, including ICT, green technology and power storage technologies,
- joint initiatives with third countries, such as Russia and Japan,
- strengthening cooperation with Europe's neighbours and joint science and technology centres in third countries,
- nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies;
- buildings and energy efficiency,
- energy,
- space,
- the GALILEO satellite system,
- ecological innovation,
- international staff exchanges, Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, Marie Curie Industry-Academia pathways,
- Starting Independent Researcher Grants,
- Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs)
- security research,
- building regional research potential,
- research benefitting small and medium enterprises,
- science and society,
- transport,
- socio-economic sciences and humanities,
- future and emerging technologies.

The budgets vary from call to call as do conditions for eligibility and deadlines.

To see the full details of the open FP7 call, please consult the following web address:

The full press release is available under:

For further and more detailed call informations please consult the National Contact Points (NCPs) in the Member or Associated States in the relevant area and country of your interest:

BILAT-USA (Grant Agreement no: 244434) and Link2US (Grant Agreement no: 244371) Projects are co-funded by the European Union’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Cooperation.