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Advancing European Union and United States Cooperation in Science & Technology 

BILAT-USA and Link2US:  A New Dynamic for EU-U.S. Research Cooperation


Becoming “the most dynamic and competitive, knowledge-based economy”... This is a goal shared by both the Lisbon Agenda of the EU and the America COMPETES Act of the United States - two global leaders in terms of R&D expenditures.

This common goal offers great potential to enhance bilateral relations and to build greater science and technology (S&T) capacity in the world.  Establishing strong partnerships in S&T will enable the EU and the United States to, together, not only address global challenges, such as in environment, energy, and health, but also to advance knowledge and scientific understanding by benefiting from each others’ experiences and know-how.

The EU-U.S. Science and Technology Agreement is a significant tool for further developing the official dialogue on S&T cooperation. Moreover, the European Commission’s Framework Programme - a key instrument in the implementation of S&T Agreements - provides an important platform to foster cooperation in areas of mutual interest.  The 7th Framework Programme (FP7) fosters international cooperation through supporting dialogues and information exchange activities between the EU and Third Countries and regions including the United States and creates greater awareness on both sides of the range of opportunities for S&T cooperation.  Two new projects begin October 2009: “BILAT-USA” and “Link2US.”

The objective of these complementary projects is to enhance EU-U.S. S&T cooperation through information sharing, dialogue, and network formation among the different stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic and in the scientific research and policy communities. The outcome of these activities will contribute to overcoming barriers to cooperation, developing cooperative research policies and topics, and formulating respective FP7 programmes.

Please visit the we-sites of BILAT-USA and Link2US Projects for more detailed information on project specific activities and outcomes.

BILAT-USA (Grant Agreement no: 244434) and Link2US (Grant Agreement no: 244371) Projects are co-funded by the European Union’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Cooperation.