Dr. Lubchenco's trip to Brussels last May stregthens ties with EU
Jul 23, 2012
Dr. Lubchenco’s trip to Brussels last May resulted in EU/U.S. pledge to fight illegal fishing and a signed agreement to strengthen scientific cooperation on climate, weather, oceans and coasts
U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA administrator signed an agreement with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Director General Dominique Ristori.
The agreement will encourage, develop and facilitate scientific and cooperative activities in the fields of climate, weather, oceans and coasts. It will also facilitate exchanges of personnel, shared use of scientific infrastructure, support for joint research, access to laboratory facilities, scientific training and timely exchange of information.
During the same trip, Dr. Luchenco participated in a series of events, where the U.S. and the EU pledged to advance their shared goals of healthy oceans and seafood, prosperous and sustainable fisheries, and economically vibrant coastal communities. The shared vision for fisheries reform in the global arena was discussed in order to ensure ecological and economic stability.
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