Federal Government Issues New Dual-Use Policy
Apr 10, 2012
On March 29 the U.S. government issued a government-wide policy to establish procedures for the review of biological research when the research could pose a threat to public health and safety and trigger dual-use concerns. The policy requires that all federal agencies review all current and future federally-funded research projects related to 15 select agents. If those reviews reveal that research has the potential to be “dual use research of concern” (DURC), then the government, in collaboration with the research institution or researcher, must create a risk mitigation plan for the project and the release of the research results. This may include enhanced biosafety procedures, requesting voluntary redaction of the research results, and classification of results.
For more information: http://oba.od.nih.gov/oba/biosecurity/PDF/United_States_Government_Policy_for_Oversight_of_DURC_FINAL_version_032812.pdf