BILAT-USA @ Final conference of EU-U.S. Pilot projects on "Transatlantic methods for handling global challenges"
Nov 15, 2011
On 10 November 2011 the European Union External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission´s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments invited its seven Pilot projects on "Transatlantic methods for handling global challenges" to present their results and recommendations to a selected audience of policy makers from European institutions, Member States and the U.S. mission to the EU. The aim of this event was to explore the opportunities for enhanced transatlantic dialogue in different areas of cooperation, from security over immigration to e-health.
The main purpose of all seven pilot projects handling global challenges was to increase mutual understanding between policy makers and policy researchers and break the ice in order to explore new trends. The pilot projects will not be continued, consequently the next steps should be the study of policy implications of the assumptions, findings and recommendations made during the pilot projects as well as the initiation of multi-lateral dialogue of grand challenges.
Information on the Pilot projects and final results can be found under the links below:
EU-US Security Strategies: comparative scenarios and recommendations
CALAMAR: Cooperation Across the Atlantic for Marine Governance Integration
Transatlantic Opportunities for Meeting Challenges in Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologies