DG RELEX Annual work programme for grants in 2010/Cooperation with industrialised countries and other high-income countries and territories
May 20, 2010
European Commission External Relations' annual action programme for cooperation with industrialised and other high income countries and territories was adopted by the Commission on 28 April 2010.
The Industrialised Countries Instrument (ICI) promotes cooperation with 17 industrialised and other high-income countries and territories in North America, the Asia-Pacific region and the Gulf region. Based on Article 212 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, the ICI contributes to fostering the EU's relations with countries and territories which often share similar values, are important political and trading partners, and play an active role in multilateral fora and in global governance.
The work programme for grants covers initiatives in the following areas:
1- Public diplomacy and policy research. Regarding US the focus will be on the launch of the programme “Getting to know Europe”
2- Economic partnership and business cooperation (no focus on cooperation with US)
3- People-to-people links (Education Cooperation And Dialogues) Regarding US, focus will be on the Erasmus Mundus Partnerships (especially exchange of doctoral and post-doctoral candidates, and of faculty members)
4- Small scale cooperation events (no focus on cooperation with US)