First periodic report submitted by BILAT-USA
Jun 7, 2011
BILAT-USA, coordinated by FFG, Austria, submitted its first 18 months report end of May 2011.
As for the impact of the project, BILAT-USA:
• contributed to the transatlantic dialogue on S&T through the Policy Forum and communication and coordination with EC and U.S. authorities
• created a comprehensive information portal with all EU-U.S. S&T related information easily accessible
• improved the process of providing information on funding opportunities designed to promote cooperation with the U.S. in the Framework Programme
• contributed to provision of supportive and background information of EU and U.S. S&T systems as well as mechanisms
• shared best practices via Symposia, presenting state of the art and the prospects for cooperation such as in the fields of Research Infrastructures, as well as Innovation and Technology Transfer
• created synergies and cooperation with other projects and initiatives
The following main Deliverables have been finalised during the first 18 months period:
• Inventory of existing thematic task forces/working groups and ERA-Nets
• Conduct of initial project environmental analysis, identification of round 120 major key players and multipliers that may contribute further to the enhancement of EU-U.S. cooperation in S&T
• Organization of the First Policy Forum in Washington D.C. on 13 May 2010 as part of the AAAS Science Policy Forum
• Development of an overview on national priorities and completion of the “Analysis on S&T Priorities in Public Research in Europe and the U.S”
• Completion of the analysis “U.S. participation in the Framework Programme”,
• Organization of the Large Scale Research Infrastructures Symposium in Rome on 1.October 2010, back to back with the EuroRisNet Project Conference
• Organization of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Symposium in Vienna on 22.March 2011, in cooperation with the Austrian Chamber of Economics, back to back with the MIT Europe Conference 2011 on “Innovation in a Networked World - Technology, People and Places”
• Establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive web site and common tools for sharing information on FP7, including calls, S&T news from the EU and the U.S., project related news and events; contact database and virtual help desk
• Dissemination of quarterly newsletter (5 issues) to around 1,000 subscribers
The BILAT-USA project is developed in a complementary way with the Link2US project coordinated by AAAS, U.S.