Workshop on Issues in EU Participation in U.S. Federal S&T Research Funding Programmes
Mar 16, 2011
The LINK2US consortium is organizing a workshop as part of the The European Association for Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) 2011 Conference held in Bragranca, Portugal. The event will focus on identifying and navigating obstacles for grant administrators/ managers. In addition, the session will feature a robust discussion to elucidate what policy areas should be addressed by U.S. and EU authorities so that improved cooperation in U.S. programmes can occur.
Topics to be addressed include:
- An overview of the Link2US project and results from the report looking at what issues exist for EU participation in U.S. programmes;
- U.S. federal funding entity representatives will present briefly about agencies programmes open to EU-researchers/institutions and discuss key issues for foreign particiaption related to their agency;
- Experienced EU-grant administrators/managers will identify and discuss how they have addressed key issues;
Stay tuned for more information, including the workshop agenda.