Call for Proposals: EU-US Atlantis Program
Jan 11, 2011
In the context of the European Union - US Framework for Co-operation in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training (EU-US ATLANTIS Programme) a new call for proposals has been launched to fund innovative projects which are designed to develop and implement double or joint “transatlantic degrees” for students in the EU and U.S. It may also support projects to promote other forms of EU-U.S. cooperation in higher education and vocational training, including mobility projects and policy-oriented measures.
The funded activities, such as the development of curricula, joint study programmes, exchanges and study abroad with provision for mutual credit recognition and language and cultural preparation, will benefit to higher education students, vocational education and training learners and teachers/trainers/administrative staff. The main focus of activities must be on transatlantic rather than intra-European or intra-American interactions.
Submission of grant requests under this call is open to higher education institutions and vocational education and training institutions.
Each project must have one lead institution in the EU and one lead institution in the US, responsible for submitting the common proposal and for the management of the project. These lead institutions must be higher education or training institutions