c- Department of Energy
The mission of DOE is to ensure the U.S.’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. Three funding programmes are open to EU-based researchers and EU organizations: the Office of Science (DOE-Office of Science) Financial Assistance Program; the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE-EERE) Financial Assistance; and the Office of Fossil Energy through the National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL) Financial Assistance.
Office of Fossil Energy - National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Financial Assistance
Programe Description
Ensuring that the United States can continue to rely on clean, affordable energy from domestic traditional fuel resources is the primary mission of DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy. Fossil fuels supply 85% of the U.S.’s energy, and the Office is working on such priority projects as pollution-free coal plants, more productive oil and gas fields, and the continuing readiness of federal emergency oil stockpiles. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory Most R&D procurements and competitive solicitations for the Office of Fossil Energy are coordinated by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). As part of DOE’s national laboratory system, NETL supports DOE’s mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States. NETL implements a broad spectrum of energy and environmental research and development (R&D) programs. In addition to research conducted onsite, NETL’s project portfolio includes R&D conducted through partnerships, cooperative research and development agreements, financial assistance, and contractual arrangements with universities and the private sector.
Area of Funding
Office of Fossil Energy funding areas: - Fossil Energy - Clean Coal & Natural Gas Power Systems - Carbon Sequestration - Hydrogen & Other Clean Fuels - Oil & Natural Gas Supply & Delivery - Natural Gas Regulation - U.S. Petroleum Reserves
National research and/or Innovation Funding Programme available to European citizens
Type of Funding
Research Grant
In FY2012, the R&D budget of the DOE Office of Fossil Energy is $346.703 million. (source: From DOE’s Fossil Energy Budget - Fiscal Year 2012 web site page at: http://www.fossil.energy.gov/aboutus/budget/12/FY_2012_Budget.html)
Duration of Funding
Funding Conditions
EERE uses two methods of funding proposals: competitive and non-competitive. Non-U.S. entities are eligible in general to apply for competitive grants (unless otherwise specified in the funding announcement), which are the most common type of financial assistance awarded by EERE. Competitive cooperative agreements are handled in the same manner.
Please read the following PDF document (extracted from printed catalogue) to obtain other useful information about DOE and eligibility language before applying:
Application Notes
In general there are no restrictions on non-U.S. entities, unless other specific eligibility restrictions are listed on an individual call. Non-U.S. entities are eligible to apply to unsolicited calls as well.
See More
http://www.fossil.energy.gov/index.html / http://www.netl.doe.gov/index.html
Solicitations and funding opportunities information:
For solicited proposals: http://www.netl.doe.gov/business/solicitations/index.html
For unsolicited proposals: http://www.netl.doe.gov/business/usp/USPGuide.pdf
Foreign Grants Information
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