ERA-CAPS joint research calls funding tools designed to support collaborative transnational research in the field of plant sciences
Oct 2, 2012
The new ERA-NET in molecular plant sciences, ERA-CAPS (Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences), has been established in order to embed molecular plant sciences more firmly in national policies whilst continuing to fund excellent research in this area by means of two joint calls.
In this first joint ERA-CAPS call, 14 funding organisations from 14 countries are participating.
The participating partners are: Austria (FWF), Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS), Denmark (DASTI), France (INRA), Germany (DFG), Israel (MOARD), Italy (MIUR), Latvia (LZA), The Netherlands (NWO), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBiR), Portugal (FCT), Serbia (MPNTR), and United Kingdom (BBSRC).
(This number reflects the status at Sept. 2012. Additional partners may join in advance of the November launch.)
The National Science Foundation of the USA, an ERA-CAPS observer, will accept proposals to a parallel call to be launched by the Plant Genomics Research Program (PGRP) in November, in areas that meet the goals of the Program. Therefore, U.S. researchers can apply in tandem to the NSF to participate in ERA-CAPS consortia.
Read more under the following link!